What's with the DUO thing?!
We are glad you asked! Our decision to run the first ever Appalachian Journey as a duo format event is influenced by a lot of factors. We think you'll understand and really dig the experience and thought that perhaps a little explanation of the choice was a good idea.
First, some details.
1) Riders in a duo team must ride together from Start line to Finish line. Each teammate must not be more than 5 minutes ahead or behind their partner at any point with time checks completed at aid stations on course.
2) Should riders depart each other they will be penalized with 1 hour added to their finish time.
3) Riders finish time is taken at the second rider to cross the finish line.
4) Rides seeking partners - We recommend posting to social media expressing your need to find a partner. We also recommend reading through the registration page to see if there is an existing duo you could join as a third for the “Family” team entry. In rare scenarios our team can help matchmake as teams have injuries, family emergencies, or other issues preventing them from being able to ride as a pair. Email us to Howdy@TheAppalachianJourney.com and we can see about putting you in touch.
Primarily, the format comes from a belief that the best rides aren't solo death marches. The best rides are experiences with others that become memorable because of challenges, camaraderie, and a shared Journey. Think back on that crazy winter ride, the EPIC "longest ride ever" you took with friends, that wild back country trail that just disappeared to nowhere and left you laughing...eventually. The Appalachian Journey team wants to help promote these memories and shared experiences.
While a traditional "solo" bike race certainly doesn't exclude a team or community component, we have found that a duo develops a particular sense of community and team reliance. By pushing your limits for the benefit of your teammate or pushing your teammates limits for theirs, the interactions between teammates yields a team which is stronger together than apart. Or at least it should! Be mindful that good, sincere communication is essential to a strong team.
Secondly while it is new to gravel and adventure cycling, the duo format is not new to cycling. Mountain bike stage races have run this format at the highest level for many years. Events like the Cape Epic, The Pioneer, Swiss Epic, Brasil Ride, and many others run duo format events where you compete as a team of two, providing assistance to each other but being constrained by the requirement to work together. In these events, the duo not only creates for exciting racing but also adds an element of safety in these backcountry style events where real danger exists.
Finally, we believe that we as a community and as cyclists are better when we work together. Choosing a partner who complements your strengths and weaknesses in racing or riding is a tremendously enriching experience. Our promotion team has participated in duo and team events across many formats all over the world. While we love a great solo smash we have seen how a duo format challenges and enriches each teammate and from which we have emerged better riders, better partners, and better athletes.
So heres to going out there, finding that teammate who matches your goals and expectations and giving The Journey a go together!